Pyelila’s LANMOU series features plants and their love languages. “I’ve always imagined that plants have relationships amongst themselves. Whether it be amicable, romantic or familial. Each time I look at them, I always imagine how they must interact and how they decide to get along in order to survive if they were animated.
I created this illustration series to show how I see them in my mind. I’ve depicted them in various types of love.”
Click on any of the images below to view the illustration and leave a comment on the HCX Instagram account:
Pierre-Richard Raphael (Pyelila) is a young Haitian visual artist, specializing in Illustration, Photography and Graphic Design. Since his childhood, he had deep interests in Haitian folklore and fantasy. Which has always shaped his art into a tool used to tell every beautiful story Haiti has to tell. After his Art studies at Ecole Nationale des Arts (ENARTS) in Port-au-Prince, he embarked on a freelance career in visual art. This, has given him a form of freedom that he uses to delve into the illustration of many aspects of the Haitian heritage that need a voice.
Find out more about Pyelila by following his channels: Instagram | Facebook