Selebrasyon! Outdoor Art Installation

On view for the duration of the festival, this installation was created for Selebrasyon! with the support of HCX. Engels use of found objects and meshing of movement and medium yield abstract work that evokes ideas of memory and spirituality.
“The “style” is abstract figurative or modern spiritual. It should evoke the feeling of a journey, a movement that you want to hold on to. The spiritual is something you cannot see, hear or touch, you can only feel.”
DATE/TIME: Saturday, May 17 – Monday, June 30 LOCATION: FiveMyles Gallery, 558 St Johns Place, Brooklyn, NY 11238 Map
Selebrasyon! Open Studio Tours
Sundays throughout Selebrasyon! Various Locations
View new works at the creative studios of various Haitian and Haitian-American artists for an intimate opportunity to discuss their career, style, and inspiration. More info…
Mutation X062 | Installation & performance by Maksaens Denis
Experimental digital and performance artist, Maksaens Denis will perform “Mutation X062” with dancer Gelan Lambert and discuss his career while sharing insights on his digital media technique.
Mutation X062 represents the evolution of Denis’ Mutation X0 series. Hinging on the exponential nature of mutations, the pieces respond to new environments, performers, social or political developments, and advancements in technology.
Maksaens Denis was born in Port-au-Prince. He studied at l’École Supérieure d’Audiovisuel in paris and graduated in 1992. He creates installations that juxtapose video montage and sculpture and has collaborated with choreographers and dancers to bring audiences a different perspective on video. In 2004 & 2011, Denis participated in the Biennale de Cuba and Venice with the exhibit “Haiti Royaume de ce Monde.”
DATE / TIME: Friday, June 20, 2014 / 7 – 9pm. LOCATION: FiveMyles Gallery, 558 St Johns Place Brooklyn, NY 11238 Map ADMISSION: Free.$10 suggested donation.