Selebrasyon! Opening Night Benefit Concert featuring Boukman Eksperyans & Paul Beaubrun
Thursday, May 17th | 8 – 10pm ShapeShifter Lab | 18 Whitwell Pl, Brooklyn, NY 11215 Tickets Here: boukmaneksperyans-selebrasyon.eventbrite.com
Haiti Cultural Exchange (HCX) invites you to join us for our Selebrasyon! Opening Night Benefit Concert taking place on Thursday, May 17th at Shapeshifter in Gowanus, Brooklyn. We are thrilled to be presenting legendary mizik razin band Boukman Esksperyans as they promote their new album, Isit E Kounye La. Paul Beaubrun has also joined the concert line-up. Stayed tuned for further details on his performance. This celebratory event will launch HCX’s 3rd Biennial Selebrasyon! festival and generate crucial support for HCX’s Ti Atis (“Little Artists”) after-school program at P.S. 189 in Brownsville, Brooklyn.
Featured Artist Bio:

Boukman Eksperyans (HaitiXNY Artist) ushered in a musical revolution with their Grammy-nominated debut album, Voudou Adjae. This brilliant release introduced the world to Boukman’s worldly high energy sound fusing traditional Haitian and Caribbean rhythms with rock and reggae. Voudou Adjae brought the band international prominence and made them spokespeople for Haitian people. Since their emergence on the scene, Boukman has continued to release revolutionary critically acclaimed albums and mesmerize audiences World Wide from Haiti (where they draw tens of thousands of fans per show) to the Caribbean, throughout North America, Canada, Europe, Japan, and Africa both as a headlining act and alongside Wyclef Jean, Femi Kuti, and Baba Maal.

Selebrasyon! is New York City’s only festival dedicated to the promotion of the highest caliber film, dance, music, literature, and visual art of Haiti and its Diaspora. Haiti Cultural Exchange’s 3rd Biennial celebration will bring artists and diverse communities together to experience Haitian culture, its creative foundations, and its powerful legacy.
This year, HCX is pleased to announce that six Haiti-based artists will be participating in Selebrasyon! programming. This is all thanks to the support we have received for our HaitiXNY initiative, which aims to bring more artists from Haiti to present their work.
Download the Selebrasyon! Event List.