In partnership with 651 Arts, Haitian AP Photojournalist, Chery Dieu Nalio shared his craft with the HCX community Tuesday, June 30th. The program commemorated the 2010 earthquake, as Nalio presented his culminating project, Remembering 2010, from his Magnum Fellowship.
Every year the Magnum Foundation offers, in conjunction with NYU, scholarships to a six-week intensive fellowship program to explore strategies for creating effective visual stories with the aim of advancing Human Rights in their home countries. Nalio, now a Magnum Human rights fellow, was chosen amongst a myriad of applicants along with 6 other candidates hailing from Ukraine, Palestine, China, Syria, South Africa and the Philippines.
The evening started with a screening of Michèle Stephenson’s “Haiti: One Day, One Destiny”, a 20-minute feature on the emotional impact of the quake and the poignant stories of rebuilding efforts from the perspective of Haitians. A slide show of Nalio’s eye catching and carefully composed photography was then presented, followed by Remembering 2010. The 3-minute multi-media feature focused on Stéphanie Joseph, a thriving survivor of the earthquake. Narrated by Joseph, the piece recounts her experience during the disaster, the loss of her mother and her arrival in the United States through Nalio’s amazing eye. Culminating in pictures of Joseph’s graduation from Baruch College, the video ended on an inspiring note and Stephanie’s future plans to return to Haiti to assist with the positive transformation of the country. This opened up the floor for a great Q&A with both Michèle Stephenson and Chery Dieu Nalio. Interesting discussions among the program participants and artists revolved around power & empowerment and its relationship to Vodou, the situation between Haiti & the Dominican Republic, the presence of NGOs in the country, empowering the Haitian people, and the role of community to mention a few. Both films were conversation inducing as great art always is. HCX was very pleased to present Nalio’s work as we strive to give our community significant and inspiring art.