Papa Gede

“This song is an adaptation, a classic by Carole Demesmin.
We decided to make a video with images taken with phones in two different countries, even when times are hard and I am far from Lisbania. It shows that there are no limits or time restrictions to creativity.” –Youry Vixamar
Click on the images below to hear the song on Instagram or view the music video on YouTube:

Youry Vixamar is passionate about music. Born and raised in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, he began piano lessons at the age of 10. At 15 years old he learned to play the trumpet. In 2000 he began his musical studies at Haiti’s National school of Arts (ENARTS) he started drumming (tanbou) with the famous singer, composer and drummer Sanba Zao. His career began in 2002 with Sanba Zao in Djakata band. In 2003, he played in the choir of St. Jude (Meyotte), Brothers Posse, Fabienne Denis Ayizan and Tru Rasta . In 2007 he joined Paul Beaubrun’s band, Zing Eksperyans. Starting in 2011, he began a solo career in collaboration with DJs such as Gardy Girault, DJ Stuba, DZgot, Jeff Afrozila, Boddhi Satva, Dead Fresh Nunas onstage and more.