Tasha Dougé (Canarsie) is a Bronx-based multidisciplinary artist and cultural enthusiast. Her body of work activates conversations around women empowerment, health advocacy, sexual education, and Black community pride. Tasha believes it is fundamental to her artistic practice to shift narratives to depict a more holistic description of who we are and what we have contributed. Her art is a tool to exercise expression, enact empowerment and serve as a bridge to connect and highlight those that may feel excluded and/or overlooked. By creating provocative works that elicit authentic, raw and at times, uncomfortable feelings, Tasha aims to spark open and honest conversations that lead to change and REFORM.
As part of her Lakou NOU 2019 residency, Tasha is developing programming focused on uplifting the significance of joumou (“pumpkin” in Haitian Kreyòl) as a tool to highlight, illuminate, introduce and re-introduce its significance and retell the story of the Haitian Revolution. The Roots Garden (located inside the Wyckoff Farmhouse Museum’s garden) is about storytelling and encouraging a connection back to the land by actively cultivating Haitian pride and collective memory. Reclaiming urban, and specifically the Haitian Diaspora community’s connection to land will work to restore and replenish ancestral, spiritual and collective wealth. Shared experiences in land stewardship, community health, creative expression, and collective investment will link to historic and contemporary efforts towards self-liberation.
Roots Garden activations will take place throughout the duration of the joumou gardening season (August – December). If you are interested in volunteering at the Roots Garden, please contact Tasha Dougé at con.vher.sa.tions2015 [at] gmail.com
Current activity dates include:
Ancestors’ Weekend More info coming soon! DATE/TIME: January 3-4, 2020 | Time TBD LOCATION: TBD
Past activity dates:
It Started with a Seed | Collage Workshop Seeds are small, yet mighty. They are symbols of renewal, transformation and endless possibilities. Most importantly, seeds are the beginning just like many of our thoughts. Thoughts are the seeds that give rise to action. Join Lakou NOU residency artist Tasha Dougé as we use seeds to create art that inspires us to action. We will also reflect on how the thought of freedom became the successful Haitian Revolution. Tasha’s workshop is part of Creative Homesteading: Putting the Farm to Bed. Read about the day’s activities via Wyckoff House Museum. DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 5 | 12-2pm LOCATION: The Wyckoff House Museum | 5816 Clarendon Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11203 MAP ADMISSION: FREE | No RSVP required | Family Friendly
And So It Begins…| Storytelling & Sharing Join Tasha for storytime around the beginnings of the Haitian Revolution. This is also an opportunity to chat with her and learn about her project first hand. Tasha will be reading from Boukman: Black Revolution by Frantz Derenoncourt, Jr., the story of revolutionaries Dutty Boukman and Cecile Fatiman as they begin the initial slave revolts which ignite The Haitian Revolution. Tasha’s storyhour will begin at 11:30am. Read about the Wyckoff House Museum’s Farmhouse Family Day here. DATE/TIME: Saturday, August 17th | 11:30-12:30pm LOCATION: The Wyckoff House Museum | 5816 Clarendon Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11203 MAP ADMISSION: FREE | No RSVP required | Family Friendly