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July 11th & 12th: A Haitian Art and Craft Fair: Bèl Bagay Lakay


The Haitian Network Group of Detroit (HNGD), in partnership with the Consulate of the Republic of Haiti in Chicago and Madonna University, presents: A Haitian Art and Craft Fair: Bèl Bagay Lakay

Bèl Bagay Lakay will take place on July 11 and 12, 2015 in downtown Farmington, Michigan. This 2-day outdoor event is an opportunity to give the Farmington and Metro Detroit residents an opportunity to sample and experience the uniqueness of the Haitian culture through its art.

HNGD is seeking artists and artisans to present their work in various media, including oil painting, fiber, wood, photography, etc. Sponsorship opportunity is available for a limited number of exhibitors and will be awarded on a first come first served basis.

Although there is a very strong Haitian and Caribbean presence in Farmington and the neighboring cities, this event will not solely focus on catering to these groups. HNGD plans to take full advantage of the media to attract individuals from across the Metro Detroit area. The announcement about Bèl Bagay Lakay has been favorably received by the Farmington City Council. Additionally, an article written in local paper, the Farmington Observer has generated a lot of buzz within that community.

For more information about the Haitian Network Group of Detroit, please see our website: or call 248-231-5767.


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