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HCX’s new team member: Culture & Community in Crown Heights – by Sarah Evers, Fundr


I moved to New York for school, leaving my hometown of Oakland, California behind as I willingly chose to live in a city known for freezing winters and humid summers. I packed my bags for New York University, where I would begin my studies in the field of Art History. I enrolled in the classes required for my major, which included History of Western Art 1 and History of Western Art II, discovering that only one class in Non-Western art was necessary to complete the program. This made me incredibly frustrated; why was I still being taught that European culture is more valuable than the cultures of other continents? I began to study non-western art on my own time, visiting museums and galleries that specifically feature artists from Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa. I found this part of my education more rewarding than what I could learn in a classroom. In my studies, I have decided to supplement my art history education with history classes that focus on non-western countries, putting my art history knowledge in a larger historical and political context.

This year, I moved from Manhattan to Brooklyn, more specifically to Crown Heights. I had hoped, upon arrival, to grow more comfortable in my neighborhood and to get involved with the community, while also pursuing my interest in art history. I happened upon Haiti Cultural Exchange while looking for an internship in an art-related organization and I knew I had found what I was looking for. HCX’s mission was exactly what I wanted to be a part of: representing underrepresented artists in the art world and giving them a platform upon which to promote their work. I was incredibly happy to accept the role of Fundraising Intern, assisting in donor outreach and foundation research in order to expand HCX’s programming efforts. HCX’s base in Crown Heights made the opportunity even more exciting, for I knew I would grow closer to my new community and spend more time in my own neighborhood supporting local businesses. I was so grateful to find an organization that both suited my interests and is located close to my new home.

My time at Haiti Cultural Exchange has been incredibly rewarding thus far. I’ve had a wonderful time getting to know the other members of the HCX team and helping with HCX events. I don’t think I could have asked for a better way to spend my time in Crown Heights and I’m so excited to continue working with HCX.



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