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HCX Collaboration | Raoul Peck: Après the Earthquake


Join Haiti Cultural Exchange next week at the Maysles Cinema as we celebrate Haitian-Born Filmmaker Raoul Peck for this very special film series, Raoul Peck: Après the Earthquake from January 22nd to January 25th.  This event is co-sponsored by Creatively Speaking Film Series and the DDPA (Durban Declaration & Programme of Action) Watch Group.

Take a look at the calendar of events!

Thursday, January 22nd: Moloch Tropical | 7:30pm Location: Maysles Institute | 342 Malcolm X Blvd (Map) Suggested Donation: $10

Filmed in Haiti prior to the devastating earthquake, the film takes viewers behind the closed doors of a fortress perched on the top of a distant mountain.  A democratically elected President and his closest collaborators prepare for a state celebration of the 200th anniversary of the country’s independence to be attended by foreign dignitaries and heads of state.  But in the city, a popular uprising is spreading. [read more…]

This film will followed by a Q&A with Manbo Dòwòti Désir of the DDPA Watch Group and Michelle Materre.

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Friday, January 23rd: Assistance Mortelle | 7:30pm Location: Maysles Institute | 342 Malcolm X Blvd (Map) Suggested Donation: $10

Raoul Peck takes us on a two year journey inside the challenging, contradictory and colossal rebuilding efforts in post-earthquake Haiti. Through its provocative point of view, the film dives headlong into the complexity of the reconstruction process and the practice and impact of worldwide humanitarian and development aid, revealing in the most disturbing way the extent of a general failure. [read more…]

This film is followed by a Q&A with diretor Raoul Peck and will be moderated by Michelle Materre, followed by a reception with food and live music.

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Saturday, January 24th: Après the Earthquake Haiti: 5 Years Later A Public Health Forum | 4pm Location: Mount Morris Ascension Presbyterian Church 15 Mt Morris Park West (Map) Suggested Donation: $10

This program will include a screening of Raoul Peck’s Fatal Assistance followed by a panel discussion/forum with Raoul Peck, Michelle Materre, and public health officials and experts on where we go from here.

This film is also followed by a special reception with food and live music at the Maysles Institute, 8pm.

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Sunday, January 25th: Profit and Nothing But! | 4pm Location: Maysles Institute | 342 Malcolm X Blvd (Map) Suggested Donation: $10

Who said that the economy serves mankind? What is this world where the wealthiest two percent controls everything? A world where this law of the strongest and the richest is imposed on the rest of humanity? Raoul Peck confronts these questions in this well-researched documentary, and contrasts them against the devastating reality of his native land, Haiti. [read more…]

This film will be followed by a Q&A with Michelle Materre and author Darrick Hamilton.

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Sunday, January 25th: Lumumba: Death of a Prophet 6:30pm Location: Maysles Institute | 342 Malcolm X Blvd (Map) Suggested Donation: $10

Lumumba: The Death of a Prophet offers a unique opportunity to reconsider the life and legacy of one of the legendary figures of modern African history.  Like Malcolm X, Patrice Lumumba is remembered less for his lasting achievements than as an enduring symbol of the struggle for self-determination. [read more…]

This film will be followed by a Q&A with Michelle Materre and others TBA.


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