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Haiti Cultural Exchange: Open Call to Artists| Apèl Pou Atis


Haiti Cultural Exchange Open Call for Artists in NY & Haiti to Create/Share Work:

Dear HCX Community of Artists,

We hope you are all keeping safe and well during these tumultuous times. We are navigating, as many of you are, unchartered territory and learning as we go. Our in-person programming is postponed until we hear it is safe to resume activities.  As a result, we are offering an OPEN CALL opportunity for 15 artists of Haitian descent in NYC and Haiti to create and present new work to be shared via the HCX online platforms. Artists of all disciplines are invited to apply for a one-time small grant of $500 to create and share original work. 

We encourage imaginative use of social media to express yourselves and bring people together. Examples include but are not limited to: short films, photography, virtual workshops series (how to make X, dance with me, drum with me, paint with me, etc.), live music performances, creative writing, spoken word, poetry, or performance art.  

Haiti Cultural Exchange will accept short applications on a rolling basis until this funding is expended. We realize many in our community have lost wages as a result of COVID- 19 and have immediate needs for yourselves and your families. While the individual grants are small, we do hope that they can be helpful to you and bolster collective creativity which has been so vital to our wellbeing and community health. 

You can find these resources for artists, which we continuously update here: 

If you  would like to reach us, email is best: –  we look forward to hearing  from you.

In solidarity, The HCX team 

Haiti Cultural Exchange 

Applications are no longer being accepted. 

Pòt Ouvè Pou Atis Ayiti ak NY 

Ak tout atis ki nan kominote Haiti Cultural Exchange (HCX) la,

Nou swete tout moun ap kenbe fèm pandan tan difisil sa yo. Nan tan sa yo n ap aprann kijan pou nou navige nan nouvo eksperyans sila.

Tout aktivite pou moun deplase ki te planifye yo ap fè yon kanpe jiskaske tout bagay rekòmanse.

N ap soufle yon kout lanbi pou envite 15 atis desandan Ayisyen ki Nouyòk ak Ayiti pou pataje nouvo zèv ki pral prezante sou platfòm entènèt HCX yo. Pou $500 US n ap envite tout kalite atis pou yo kreye travay tou nèf pou yo pataje avèk nou.

N ap ankouraje nou pou itilize tout fason ki genyen sou entènèt la pou konekte ak moun e pataje travay ou sou media sosyal HCX. Nou pa fèmen avèk egzanp nou pral ba ou yo ou kapab pote lòt tou si ou vle. EX : fim kout, fotografi, seri atelyè vizyèl, slam, pwezi, ekriti, oswa pèfòmans.

Haiti Cultural Exchange ap aksepte aplikasyon tou kout pou yon tan endefini jiskaske kòb sibvansyon sa fin depanse. Nou konnen zafè Kowona sa fè anpil moun pèdi moyen pou yo viv e nou konsyan ke nou gen bezwen pou tèt nou ak pou fanmi nou. Sibvansyon an pa anpil, men nou swete li kapab itil nou e enspire travay nou nan kominote a.

Ou kapab jwenn kèk resous pou atis la, e n ap kontinye ajoute nan lis la tanzantan. 

Si ou ta renmen kontakte nou, email toujou pi bon: –  nou toujou kontan tande nou. 

Nan solidarite, ekip HCX la  

Haiti Cultural Exchange


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