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Continuing Solidarity Around the Rally Against Racism


On Monday, January 15th, 2018, 

Haiti Cultural Exchange participated in the 

Rally Against Racism in Times Square.


HCX merged efforts with many other individuals and organizations to protest racist and anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies. HCX held a poster and banner making session the day before, and on the day of, we met up with Kriyol Dance! musicians and activist Rara band djaRARA to travel to the rally together in solidarity!

HCX facilitated performances by Gina Athena Ulysse and Jeffrey Dessources (MRJEFFDESS), calling to action attendees and the arts culture community. Find pictures of the event here.

In efforts to continue the conversation and ensure that our efforts are not just reactionary but result in longer term possibilities for collective action, below we have sourced a list of upcoming actions, relevant news articles, and resources to help. Please contact us to contribute to this list.


Community & Immigrant Resources:

  1. Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI)

  2. New York Immigration Coalition

  3. IGSS Services

  4. The Office of Council Member Mathieu Eugene, in partnership with New York Legal Assistance Group and Legal Aid Society, will be providing free legal services for Haitian TPS Re-registration. Clinics will be held today through March 15th, 2018. Please come to our District Office (900 Rogers Avenue) or call 718-287-8762 to make an appointment.

TPS Haiti 2018 Flyer

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