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Call for artists


Call for artists for the ‘Painting and a Poem for Haiti’ Art fundraiser

The ‘Painting and a Poem for Haiti’ art fundraiser invites artists to submit artwork for the art fundraising event on October 14, 2010 which benefits the Soft House Project, Rural Haiti Project and UNICEF-Haiti at MoCADA located in Fort Greene, Brooklyn.

The Soft House Project and Rural Haiti Project are committed to building transitional housing and empowering youth and families.

The artwork is part of: An art exhibition from Oct.6th – Nov. 4th  2010 in the foyer of MoCADA Silent art auction is part of opening reception on Oct. 13th , 2010

Artists who donated artwork will have their name and contact info in the program brochure and possibly featured on the website. 100% of the proceeds will go towards the Soft House Project and Rural Haiti Project.

Eligibility: – All artists are invited to submit art work in the form of paintings or collages with themes of freedom, compassion and hope.

The poem can be written by another author or self-authored and does not need to be submitted. Please use 8.5” by 11” size paper for poem.

Submission: Please submit an image of the work and a brief bio (less than 50 words) by Sept. 27th to: The poem can be written by another author or self-authored.

Deadline: Artwork submitted Oct 4th, 2010.

For more info or questions, contact: Charity event website:


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