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Artists Residency in Venice, Italy: Due November 1st


The Emily Harvey Foundation offers residencies in Venice, Italy, for artists, writers, poets, filmmakers, photographers, videographers, choreographers, dancers, musicians, curators, arts administrators, architects, and other creative thinkers in mid to late career who are engaged in the project of change, and who work the leading edges of their disciplines. They may come from anywhere in the world.

The Foundation provides live-work space in Venice, inclusive of utilities, and Wi-Fi or Ethernet access to the internet. All spaces have telephones for local calls only, full kitchens, and facilities for washing clothes. The Foundation provides neither stipends, nor meals, nor travel expenses. Residents must procure their own working materials, and will be expected while in Venice to be financially self-sufficient.

Applications should be made by e-mail and can be written in English, Italian, German, French or Spanish. Attachments should include the applicant’s CV and a one-page, double-spaced description (250 words) of the work the applicant intends to do while in Venice. Residencies are for one, two or three months, depending on the scope of the applicant’s project. Other time periods can also be considered.


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