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Archive: HCX Collaboration: Dialectics: a Haitian Music Showcase


New Sounds With Old Friends: Dialectics Haitian Music Showcase

Recap of August 4th at Brooklyn Museum First Saturday in Partnership with Haiti Cultural Exchange featuring artists Buyu Ambroise & Val Jeanty and Zing Experience

As I walked into the vast Beaux-Arts Court of the Brooklyn Museum, I quickly noted the vibrancy and undercurrent energy flowing among tourists, NYC natives and artists alike as they stood in the space, waiting for the evening to start. Attending my first “First Saturday,” I naively expected a less grand, more intimate setting. Nothing prepared me for the rush of people that would join the introductory sounds of Buyu’s saxophone, which hypnotically sauntered across the room, the creative energy behind Val’s turntable manipulations or even the display of cultural appreciation from Zing Experience.

The Brooklyn Museum’s First Saturday program is designed to expose the community to new cultural traditions and artists.  Buyu Ambroise was the first to open the evening with his melodic solo accompanied by Val Jeanty on the turntable, Bobby Raymond on bass and Allan Mednard on drums. It was a great experience to be a witness to the magical collaboration between Buyu and Val; the “soulful” and “electronica” music styles converging to create a rhythmic and almost haunting melody that had the audience wanting more.  Unfortunately, the poor sound quality of the Beaux-Arts Court didn’t allow for the audience to fully experience the hypnotic quality of this experimental music.

As the crowd of over 500 people began to grow larger and move in closer to the middle, it became evident who everyone was waiting for. The audience seemed to have held their breath as dancer and singer Cynthia Casasola of Zing Experience made her way through the crowd and onto the stage, swaying lightly to the reggae beat of their opening number. The crowd was already entranced as Paul Beaubrun stepped up to the mike with his guitar. The sounds and interactions of Zing Experience brought a lighthearted mood amongst onlookers, bringing dancers onto the stage to accompany Cynthia in her rhythmic movements, while encouraging the audience to clap along. With their upbeat tempo and  uplifting message, it became impossible to sit still during their performance. People moved, shouted, danced and laughed- a fun way to conclude a relaxing summer evening with family and friends.

-Jessica Senat, Communications & Outreach Intern


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