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Archive: An n’ Pale | Café Conversations with Nadege Fleurimond on the Flavors of the Heart


Nadege Fleurimond is indeed a fantastic young woman. Her zeal for cooking and Haitian culture really shone through as Fleurimond explained her process of integrating Haitian flavors and technique into her all-cuisine catering company. Her refusal to negotiate taste and quality in favor of marketability has undoubtedly led to her success. Nadege’s weekly cooking parties and the intimate social settings they have provided are a highlight of her culinary career. Food as a unifier of all people was the theme of the night; this was proven true while guests shared plates brimming with savory steak, saucy mussels and beautiful salads off the Color’s Restaurant menu. Nadege also discussed the work of her non-profit organization, Young Culinary Masters, which  teaches youth healthy eating habits and cooking techniques in order to help combat America’s high rates of  childhood obesity and subsequent health hazards such as Type 2 Diabetes.

Near the end of the discussion, we heard an excerpt from Taste of Life. Fleurimond’s recently published book is a thoughtfully written compilation of recipes coupled with their personal significance.

The evening’s discussion ended with a food demonstration. Nadege prepared blanc manger or “white food,” a favorite traditional Haitian desert of chopped fruit in a light custard sauce with a hint of Cremas, a sweet alcoholic liqueur.

Here’s the recipe, try it out!

Blanc Manger

1 quart sour cream 1 can of condensed milk 4 cups of various fresh chopped fruit ½ cup of Cremas or to taste 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

Mix ingredients together in a large bowl. Serve immediately or chill in refrigerator until ready to serve. Sneak sips of Cremas when no one is paying much attention. Enjoy!

Special thanks to Colors Restaurant, our gracious hosts for the evening.


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