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Archive: An n’ Pale | Café Conversation featuring photographer Sébastien Narcisse and NPR journalis


Attended by a crowd of over seventy, last month’s An n’ Pale | Café Conversation on March 28th at MoCADA was definitely packed! The discussion followed a projected stream of Haitian photographer Sébastien Narcisse’s work which featured nature, landscapes, and painfully beautiful portraits. Narcisse discussed his mission of depicting the other side of Haiti and the importance of understanding that the media’s perception of the conflict and disaster-thrown nation is only half the reality. The importance of alternative truths, those of beauty and perseverance, are essential to understanding Haiti and properly representing its people. NPR reporter Adam Davidson, who recently returned from a trip to Haiti, also discussed the issues of recovery and representation in Haiti.  Davidson’s current project with PBS’s premier news program Frontline is investigating the current climate of the tourism industry in Haiti.  Overall, the evening revolved around two paradigms: beauty and awareness, and when one might blind or enlighten the mind to the other.

Check out our photo archive of the event here.

Special thanks to Sébastien Narcisse, Adam Davidson, and MoCADA for their gracious hosting of HCX.

To further inquire about Sébastien Narcisse or his work, check out his Flickr photostream here.


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