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April 5: “Embracing the Hyphen, Unveiling the Truth”, Part III of a dialogue series at


3 student organizations at NYU: L.U.C.H.A. (Latinos Unidos Con Honor y Amistad), H.A.S.A. (Haitian-American Student Association) and Bella Quisqueya present Part III of their Dominican-Haitian dialogue series. The concluding panel discussion will paint the picture of the factors pushing and pulling Haitians into the Dominican Republic, the current state of affairs on the island, and by the end will lead us one step closer to answering the ultimate question, “What can we do?”

DATE/ TIME: Thursday, April 5th at 6pm LOCATION: NYU’s Global Center 238 Thompson Street, Room 279  Google Map Take the N or the R to NYU – 8th Street


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